Motorola is expected to launch three new feature phones in the Indian market. The Moto 10, Moto 50, and Moto 70 have 1,750 mAh batteries, dual SIM support and a two-year replacement guarantee scheme. The Moto A10 and Moto A50 both will come with an MT6261D chipset by Mediatek. They will also share a 1.8” color screen, as well as a torch, activated with a physical button. There is a micro SD card slot (up to 32GB) and a 3.5mm audio jack on top. The A10 has no camera whatsoever, while the A50 has one on the back. The Moto A70 has a similar appearance, but the screen is bigger - 2.4”....
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Motorola to launch three new feature phones - Moto A10, A50, A70
Reviewed by digital manu
November 03, 2021
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