Qualcomm unveiled its next flagship chipset for Android phones and it marks a deviation from the naming convention. For starters, it's not Qualcomm Snapdragon anymore, but just Snapdragon. Meet the Snapdragon 8 Gen1 – that’s the new naming scheme, digit for class (8 being flagship) and a generation. It is Qualcomm’s first 4nm chipset and the first to use this new generation of the CPU architectures. The CPU maintains the three cluster design, however, the cores are now based on the ARMv9 designs. This means that the prime core is a Cortex-X2 and it will run at 3.0GHz. Backing it are three...
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Week 47 in review: Snapdragon 8 Gen1 is here, Realme GT 2 Pro details emerge
Reviewed by digital manu
December 05, 2021
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