DJI unveiled the Action camera back in 2019 and since then its focus has been mostly on drones, gimbal cameras and such. Finally, it is time for a sequel – meet the DJI Action 2, which is quite different from the original in terms of looks and how it works. First off, the camera itself is a small, square-shaped thing. It measures 39 x 39 x 22.3 mm and weighs 56g (1.53 x 1.53 x 0.88 in, 2 oz), the exterior is made out of aluminum alloy. Unlike the GoPro Session cams, however, this one has a fully-functioning 1.76” touchscreen with 446 x 424 px resolution and 500 nits of...
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The DJI Action 2 is a tiny action camera made big by its multitude of accessories and mods
Reviewed by digital manu
October 27, 2021
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