The iQOO Z3 announced in China in March was supposed to arrive in India in early May, but plans were changed due to the second COVID-19 wave in the country. However, with the situation getting better, the phone maker today announced it will introduce the Z3 in India on June 8. The iQOO Z3 will come with the Snapdragon 768G 5G SoC at the helm, making it India's first smartphone to be powered by Qualcomm's 7nm chipset. And if the rest of the specs remain the same as the Chinese model (we say so because Indian iQOO 7 is a rebranded Neo5), you will get a 6.58" FullHD+ 120Hz LCD,...
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iQOO Z3 India launch set for June 8
Reviewed by digital manu
June 01, 2021
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