The Samsung Galaxy M12 unveiled in February is now available for purchase in Russia. It comes in Black, Blue, and Green colors and has two memory options - 3GB/32GB and 4GB/64GB priced at RUB12,990 ($175/€145) and RUB14,990 ($200/€165), respectively. The Galaxy M12 is powered by the Exynos 850 SoC and runs Android 11 out of the box. It's built around a 6.5" 90Hz HD+ LCD with a notch for the 8MP selfie camera. Around the back, we get a square-shaped quad camera setup, which is a combination of 48MP primary, 5MP ultrawide, 2MP macro, and 2MP depth units. The rest of the Galaxy...
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Samsung Galaxy M12 goes on sale in Russia
Reviewed by digital manu
May 14, 2021
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