Realme was supposed to unveil the X7 Max 5G in India on May 4, but the announcement was postponed due to the second COVID-19 wave in the country. However, with the situation getting better, Realme has decided to introduce the X7 Max 5G in India on May 31. Realme has revealed the design and a few specs of the X7 Max 5G, including a Dimensity 1200 SoC, 120Hz FullHD+ Super AMOLED screen, 50W charging, and a triple camera setup on the rear comprising 64MP primary, 8MP ultrawide, and 2MP macro units. Realme X7 Max 5G will pack a 120Hz AMOLED screen The smartphone is 8.4mm thick,...
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Realme X7 Max 5G is arriving on May 31, Smart TV 4K will tag along
Reviewed by digital manu
May 23, 2021
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