Back in March, Qualcomm brought its 5nm Snapdragon 780G chipset and now it’s bringing a slightly toned down version dubbed Snapdragon 778G. The major difference is that the 778G is built on a 6nm node instead of Samsung’s 5nm seen on the 780G. Snapdragon 778G The new 778G brings a Kryo 670 CPU paired with an Adreno 642L GPU and a Spectra 570L ISP. The chipset also brings an integrated Snapdragon X53 5G Modem-RF which delivers mmWave and sub-6 5G connectivity support. Qualcomm’s triple ISP allows you to capture photos and videos from wide, ultrawide, and telephoto cams...
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Qualcomm announces Snapdragon 778G chipset
Reviewed by digital manu
May 19, 2021
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