The Nokia G10 and G20 have 5,050 mAh batteries, the biggest capacity of any Nokia phone so far. However, a new model may surpass them and it belongs to the basic Android Go Edition series. The Nokia C30 will have a 6,000 mAh battery, according to a leakster on Baidu, who posted a schematic of the phone. This matches the rumored battery capacity of the Nokia X50, though the two are on the opposite ends of the spectrum – the X50 will reportedly be a flagship with a 108MP main camera and Zeiss optics. The C30 will have a dual camera by the looks of it, and a fingerprint reader too. Both...
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Nokia C20 Plus and C30 might have 5,000 mAh and 6,000 mAh batteries, respectively
Reviewed by digital manu
May 19, 2021
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