Mediatek has just announced its latest 5G chipset, designated for midrange smartphones - the Dimensity 900. It is built on the 6 nm process technology and comes as a logical update over the Dimensity 800 series with a faster CPU and better connectivity options. The new Dimensity 900 chip brings an octa-core CPU with two clusters - one with two Cortex-A78 cores at 2.4GHz for power and six Cortex-A55 units at 2 GHz for efficiency. The chipset supports cameras of up to 108MP resolution and video recording up to 4K@30 fps. Smartphones with the Dimensity 900 chipset can have Full...
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Mediatek announces Dimensity 900 - a 6nm chipset for 5G midrangers
Reviewed by digital manu
May 13, 2021
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