As promised, Realme today introduced its new budget smartphone dubbed Realme C21. The smartphone is powered by the Helio G35 SoC and runs Android 10-based Realme UI out of the box. The C21 has 3GB RAM and 32GB storage onboard, but it also comes with a dedicated slot for the microSD card for storage expansion up to 256GB. The Realme C21 is built around a 6.5" HD+ display with a notch for the 5MP selfie camera. The smartphone's rear panel, flaunting a fingerprint-resistant Geometric Art Design, is home to a triple camera setup comprising a 13MP primary, 2MP macro, and 2MP monochrome...
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Realme C21 announced with Helio G35 SoC, triple camera, and 5,000 mAh battery
Reviewed by digital manu
March 05, 2021
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