Two weeks ago, vivo brought its V20 series to India with the launch of the vivo V20, which we reviewed recently. Today, the company is finally bringing the more affordable V20 SE with a base price of INR 20,990 ($282). The V20 SE sports a 6.44-inch FHD+ AMOLED display with a waterdrop notch for its 32MP selfie cam. It’s powered by the Snapdragon 665 alongside 8GB RAM and 128GB of expandable storage. Around the back, we have a 48MP primary camera with an f/1.8 aperture and an 8MP ultrawide shooter with a 120-degree field of view. They are joined by two 2MP sensors for macro and depth...
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vivo V20 SE makes its way to India, starting at INR 20,990
Reviewed by digital manu
November 02, 2020
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